This time Ati Radeon issued its latest chipset Radeon HD 7770, in terms of price HIS Radeon HD 7770 VGA card is referred to as the middle class. The fans must have known Ati Radeon products that have been issued by the leading brand named HIS. VGA card is not inferior to the rival Nvidia.
HIS Radeon HD 7770 IceQ X cooler has been equipped with the pride of his producers. Using this cooling products claim to be 13 ° C cooler than using plain coolers.
HIS Radeon HD 7770 is made of high quality components from HIS which has a longer life. These cards offer incredible graphics quality and excellent cooling technology. With a core clock 1000MHz and 4500MHz memory, graphics card ensures the highest enjoyment during gameplay.
You want to build a computer for gaming? Graphics card can be your choice. You just choose which one is best for you.
Full specifications:
Graphic Interface | PCI Express 3.0 |
Graphic Chipset | Radeon HD 7770 |
Engine Clock Speed | 1000MHz |
Memory Provided | 1 GB DDR5 |
Memory Bus | 128bit |
Memory Clock Speed | 4.5Gbps |
Max. Video Resolution |
Display Output |
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